
Madison High School All-School Reunion is Coming

The MHS All-School Reunion of Madison High School

is to be held on September 17, 2011

at the Brown Gymnasium in downtown Madison

from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Socializing with snacks (punch, soft drinks, chips, & cookies.)

We’ll see you there!

Click Here to Make Comments.

(To see comments from your classmates, click on “no comments” below the high school photo.)

Your Class Reunion Website

Welcome to the Madison Consolidated High School class of 1961 official reunion website. Your Reunion Committee members have put together a place where classmates all over the country can come together and communicate. Please enjoy the memories of our senior year at MCHS as you view photographs and read about historical events at MCHS, in Madison, Indiana and all over the world during 1961 on our Flashback page.

This web page is intended to act as a “wall” page like on Facebook or a forum page. Here, you can post comments, questions and talk to fellow classmates when they’re on the website. You can also post your own photographs by simply following the upload instructions below. Or, if you prefer, you can also email your information, comments and photos to us at contact@mchs61reunion.com.

Please keep in mind that when posting your first comment or photograph, it may take awhile before it appears on the website (especially if you post late at night). All new uploads will be checked for spam and viruses before they will appear on the website – the perils of modern technology.

We look forward to seeing you at our 50th year reunion!

Your Reunion Committee

Click Here to Make Comments.

(To see comments from your classmates, click on “comments” at the bottom right of the last paragraph.)